Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Death in the falls


  1. This is a great image. Did you see it before or after taking it? Of course after writing that I know the answer. 8-) That's like asking Ansel - Did you think the moon rising over Hernandez would make a great photograph?

    I might name it Calling The Serpent. It looks to me like the dark vein in the rock that runs from bottom center up to the right ending near the falls looks like a long thin snake with its head up by the falls.

    I don't know how you get models to put themselves in such danger for the sake of a photograph? But I'm glad as a viewer of the results you do.

    You may get two comments I'm having a senior moment today. I was writing one and had to leave the computer for a bit and when I returned it had gone into sleep mode; when I woke it up the comment box was empty. I don't remember if I sent it or not. If so use this one and delete the first; as I know I added a bit more here. I just wrote hear instead of here - I can see this is a day to go back to bed.

    D.L. Wood

  2. You are good. This was the only message I got.
    Actually I did not see the skeleton shape in the falls until Sarah Jean pointed it out to me about a week after the trip. Duh!
    She did have one hell of a time getting to that location however. I remember waiting atop on my rock pinnacle for almost an hour while she swam up the river to where she could get onto this rock, which was in the middle of the river with water flowing on both side of it, climbing to the top and then scaling down to this location. I almost gave up and went home.
    If she had fallen from there I would have given up and went home. "Body not recoverable"
